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à 7.3èAgreement With Predicate Nouns
ä:èIn the Example, underline the sentence that demonstrates
subject-verb agreement.
ë The most relaxing time during my youth were summers.
#ë ╕Summers╕ were the most relaxing time during my childhood╗.
éS Whether a predicate noun is singular or plural has no effect
on subject-verb agreement.ïIf the predicate noun is singular and the
#subject is plural, then the verb is plural.ïIn ╖His earrings were a
#╖symbol of his individuality╗, symbol, a third person singular noun, is
#the predicate noun referring to the plural subject ╖earrings╗.ïThe verb
#must agree with its subject, not the predicate noun.ïBecause ╖earring╖s
#is the plural subject, the verb must be plural as well, as is ╖were╗.
If the predicate noun is plural and the subject is singular, then the
#verb is singular.ïIn ╖a symbol of his individuality was his earrings╗,
#the plural predicate noun ╖earrings╗ refers to the singular subject
#╖symbol╗.ïBecause the verb must agree not with the predicate noun but
#the subject, ╖was╗, the singular verb form, agrees with the singular
#subject ╖symbol╗.
1.èWhich one of the following sentences demonstrates subject-
verb agreement?
A)ïOne enjoyable memory for me was circus acts.
B)ïA very scary event for me were hurricanes.
C)ïThe skin head's swastikas etched on his arm is his trademark.
#ü ╢One enjoyable memory for me was circus acts╗ demonstrates sub-
#ject-verb agreement.ïBecause ╢memory╗ is a third person singular sub-
#ject, it requires a third person singular verb, as is ╢was╗.ï╢Acts╗ is
a plural predicate noun that has no bearing on the subject-verb agree-
ment.ïIn another sentence, the verb should be singular to agree with
#the singular subject ╖event╗.ïBut because the predicate noun ╖hurri-
#╖canes╗ is plural and comes directly after the verb, it is tempting to
keep the verb plural too.ïDon't be misled.ïThe third person singu-
#lar subject ╖event╗ requires the third person singular verb form ╖was╗.
#In the remaining sentence, the predicate noun ╖trademark╗, directly
#following the verb, is singular.ïBut the subject ╖swastikas╗ is plural.
The verb should agree with the subject, not the predicate noun.ïThus
#╖are╗ should be substituted for ╖is╗.
2.èWhich one of the following sentences demonstrates subject-
verb agreement?
A)ïUpside down smile faces is his calling card.
B)ïHis greatest interest for years were stock exchanges.
C)ïUnusual gems from the Orient were Shane's downfall.
#ü ╢Unusual gems from the Orient were Shane's downfall╗ demonstrates
#subject-verb agreement.ïThe plural noun ╢gems╗ is the subject requiring
#a plural verb, as is ╢were╗.ï╢Downfall╗, the singular predicate noun
#referring to the plural subject ╢gems╗, has no influence on the subject-
#verb agreement.ïIn another example, the singular predicate noun ╖card
#refers to the plural subject ╖faces╗.ïBecause the verb should agree
with the subject, not the predicate noun, it must be plural.ïThe third
#person singular verb form ╖is╗, therefore, needs to be changed to ╖are╗.
#In the remaining example, the plural predicate noun ╖exchanges╗ refers
#to the third person singular subject ╖interest╗.ïThe verb, required
to agree only with the subject, should be a third person singular verb
#form.ïThus ╖were╗ needs to be changed to ╖was╗.
3.ïWhich one of the following sentences demonstrates subject-
verb agreement?
A)ïHis fear for months were UFOs.
B)ïTheir beads were a mark of honor.
C)ïMy destination in South America are the rain forests.
#ü ╢Their beads were a mark of honor╗ demonstrates subject-verb
#agreement.ï╢Mark╗ is the singular predicate noun referring to the plu-
#ral subject ╢beads╗.ïThe plural verb form ╢were╗ agrees with its plural
#subject ╢beads╗, not with the singular predicate noun ╢mark╗.ïIn an-
#other sentence, the plural verb ╖were╗, preceding the predicate noun
#╖UFOs╗, does not agree with its singular subject, ╖fear╗.ïThe plural
#predicate noun ╖UFOs╗ that refers to the singular noun ╖fear╗ should
have nothing to do with the verb's being singular or plural.ïIn the
#remaining sentence, the plural verb ╖are╗, preceding the plural pre-
#dicate noun ╖forest╗, does not agree with the singular noun
4.èWhich one of the following sentences demonstrates subject-
verb agreement?
A)ïTheir obsession, according to the psychologists, were fires.
B)ïThe scientific area that I researched at many graduate schools
è are black holes.
C)ïHis weights was just one sign of his dedication to physical fitness.
ü å of ç sentences demonstrate subject-verb agreement.ïIn
#╢╗╖Their obsession, according to the psychologists, were fires╗, the
#plural verb ╢╗╖were╗, directly preceding the plural predicate noun ╖
#╖fires╗, does not agree with its singular subject, ╖obsession╗.ï╖Were╗
#should thus be changed to ╖was╗. In another sentence, the plural verb
#form ╖are╗, preceding the plural predicate noun ╖holes╗, does not agree
#with its singular subject ╖area.ïAre╗ should thus be changed to ╖is╗.
#In the remaining sentence, the singular verb form ╖was╗, preceding the
#singular predicate noun ╖sign╗, does not agree with its plural subject,
#╖weights.ïWas╗ thus should be changed to ╖were╗.